GPS Academy &

Linghang International Education Group




領航國際教育集團是一所預備高中大學教育學術諮詢機構,它位於皇后區法拉盛和大頸Great Neck ,為紐約的學生和家庭提供優質的服務,這些年很榮幸的被《紐約時報》和《世界日報》新聞媒體爭相邀請報導。

GPS Academy的課程包括 ACT、SAT、PSAT、SHSAT 以及 AP 和 Regents 科目。同時還提供競賽學習(例如 USACO、USABO、VEX 機器人, AMC, 和寫作比賽等),並指導監督孩子完成開發有意義的課外活動、獨立研究和出版物。教師均為常春藤盟校畢業生且具備多年教學經驗的公立學校教師。

領航國際教育集團成立於2010年,由超過15名全職和兼職教育顧問組成,最大宗旨目標是幫助學生進入他們的夢想學校。在過去的 10 多年裡,我們已指導超過 2500 名學生進入美國的精英私立學校走讀、初中寄宿學校、高中私立寄宿學校、頂尖大學(大多是前 30 名)和研究生院校。我們的顧問不僅是學生的升學導師,也會幫助學生們解決學術的挑戰問題,同時他們也是學生的好夥伴。



GPS Academy & Linghang International Education Group provide superior college preparatory courses and educational consulting services to students in the New York metropolitan area and across the globe.

With offices in Flushing, Queens and in the village of Great Neck on Long Island, GPS Academy is a college and high school preparatory school and educational consulting firm well known to families in the New York City metropolitan area, having been featured in major news outlets such as the New York Times and World Journal.

GPS Academy’s preparatory course topics include the ACT,SAT, PSAT, SHSAT, and a range of AP and Regents subjects. We also prepare students for competitions (such as the USACO, USABO, VEX Robotics, AMC, and writing competitions, among others) and guide them through the process of developing meaningful extra curricular activities, independent research and publications, and passion projects. Our instructors are Ivy League graduates and certified public school teachers with years of teaching experience.

Linghang International Education Group, established in 2010, consists of over 15 full time and part time education consultants whose only goal is to help students access their dream schools. Over the past 10+ years, we have guided over 2500 students to elite private day schools, junior boarding schools, private boarding schools, top universities (mostly top 30), and graduate programs in the U.S. Our consultants serve not only as mentors and educators to students, we are also friends who help students navigate through one of the most challenging transitions of their academic and personal lives.

Lawrence Yan 颜谦业校长

颜谦业老师, 美籍华人;美国本土著名教育机构领航国际教育集团创办人及学术补习升学指导中心 GPS ACADEMY 校长;毕业于哈佛大学 ;前华尔街投行瑞士信贷金融分析师;美国教育部认证IECA独立教育顾问资深成员; 美国寄宿高中学校联盟TABS成员;美国最大华人报纸世界日报唯一官方合作机构;著名纽约时代杂志长篇幅报道唯一力荐升学指导机构!颜老师学生遍布美国顶尖名校;如哈佛,耶鲁,斯坦福,宾大;哥大;康奈尔等;学术型深度分析规划师。


  • 美国私立初/高中申请

  • 美国大学申请

  • 美国硕士/博士申请

  • 預備特訓班

  • 申请表提交送出

  • 学校面试培训

  • 签证面试专业一对一培训

  • 寄宿安排

  • 一对一谘询

  • 留学规划讨论

  • 学校及专业方向确认

  • 申请表填写,专业文章论文指导设计


领航认为 想要达到理想的成绩,第一步同时也是最重要的就是打好稳定的学习基础




领航认为 选学校绝不能靠运气或机率,而是专业的分析评估! 我们怀着对学生人生发展的使命,



领航提供全方位的学术课程及学术服务,包含:国小英、数, 初中科目及升学考试,高中科目、


并提供学生住宿安排的服务。 我们帮助过无数的学生成功进入理想的大学,找到属于自己的目标。
